Thursday, July 27, 2006

Centres Of Excellence

We now have the next seven ACTIVboards up and running in the school, bringing our total to 13. The new boards have mainly gone into the Middle Primary section of the school, although the upper primary, junior primary and Resource Centre have scored one each as well, providing a wide spread across the school. We are certainly a school now with a major IWB focus and to that end, we had a meeting to discuss an offer of becoming a Promethean Centre of Excellence. There is an official place bearing that title, but the concept hails from the UK as a Promethean initiative to recognise high competency and leadership in the area of IWB implementation. The official website lists the following information re: the role of Centres Of Excellence.
Promethean Centres of Excellence promote and support the dissemination of skills in effective use of the Promethean collaborative classroom.

Centre of Excellence Services:

* Can train, tutor and assess new users
* Provide a focus for the development of good practice in the use of Promethean solutions to support teaching and learning
* Support schools, colleges and other users in the local area who are working towards Promethean Accredited status

So, our school has been given this opportunity to participate especially as Promethean are keen to expand this concept in Australian schools. The big benefits are that it gives us guidelines for improvement, a measure of progression in our skills and the opportunities provided to our students. There is a big emphasis on the sharing of resources both locally and at the global level which is an important step many teachers still have to make. In these times of connectedness, sharing of ideas, practices and resources becomes a really important way of managing time and workloads. The proposal sheet lists the following information:

How do we become a Centre of Excellence?

Demonstrate excellence in the use of ACTIVboards
For an institution to be accredited as a Centre of Excellence it has to show excellence not only in the way the teachers use the Interactive Whiteboards, but also in how they plan and share resources to show a ‘whole school approach’ to the implementation of whiteboard technology.

Demonstrate passing on of knowledge and training of others
The institution also needs to show it has shared experiences and expertise with others via training on the ACTIVboards and software or presentations and workshops that have been run.

We discussed all of these options with the assembled group tonight and there was unanimous support for the proposal. We need six teachers to achieve the standard of Curriculum Developer which requires the production of flipchart resources assessed by the National trainer - it will be a challenge but a goal worth striving for and helps clarify the way forward for our newest ACTIVboard users. This is definitely a way for our teachers to ensure that their technical and resource development skills keep up - our work with Flinders Uni will provide the challenge to keep working on the transformative teaching and learning that must accompany this investment.


At 2:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Graham - thanks for the comment you left on my post “Active Learning With ACTIVboards” - I'll have to read up on your ACTIVboard blog.


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