More Great Tools With IWB Potential
Via Derek Wenmouth, this interesting new search tool called Quintura which harnesses the power of your preferred search engine (Google, Yahoo etc.)but displays your results in a key word cloud with fewer sites listed on the right. I think this could be a great tool in the primary school classroom where the graphic nature of the way the results are displayed really demonstrate the power of key words in locating relevant information on the World Wide Web.
The second find comes via the TALO Google Group where James Neill has pointed this great blog, The Generator Blog with heaps of interesting tools to generate your own choice of text in different formats - clapperboards, road construction signs or cartoons. For teachers with IWB's looking for new engaging ways to present titles, key concepts or any other pieces of text in their flipcharts, there are many options here - all in the one location. A few examples below.