Friday, September 30, 2005

Blogging For Kids (And Us)

Great link from Will Richardson's weblogg-ed site New Kids On The Blog. Worth a read to realise the potential of us blogging all of our learning with ActivBoards. I'm actually toying with the idea of setting up a classroom blog to run the day from with my class. Have to check with Nat first and it might be a casualty of our busy final term if not designed properly. Anyway, read, enjoy and respond with your thoughts. Have a great break!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Constructivism is Dead - Long Live Connectivism

There is an interesting educator George Siemens who has been rethinking a learning theory that is more in line with the flow of information that will be potentially on tap via our Activboards. It is called connectivism and I think it has merit as a way of us firstly as educators keeping up with ways of doing things in the classroom and in particular, harnessing the power of the internet. I would really interested in what people think in terms of the way learning will change in our classrooms over the next few years (or not).

Friday, September 23, 2005

Science Link - Solar System

Another link via - A Virtual Journey Through The Universe.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Tangrams Website Link

Picked up this link to an interactive Tangram website via my Bloglines feed from Could be a good intro to the concept - try it and see.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Digital Natives/Immigrants Links

Team members who remember my reference to the metaphor of "digital natives" and "digital immigrants" might want to read up a little more on the idea. It helps us in making sure that the use of these interactive whiteboards isn't just s new way of delivering old curriculum but that we look to cater for the needs of our "digital natives."
Marc Prensky is the person who coined this educational methaphor. Click here to read the original "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants" and here for the companion article "Do They Really Think Differently?"
Also, Will Richardson from Weblogg-ed whose slideshow I quoted from has a post just the other day about a work colleague who had a piece published titled "Portrait of a Digital Native". I know the US perspective is always different to down under but it is worth a read. (Possibly our kids are more in tune with American education than us!)
Another post from The Bionic Teacher - A “Normal” Camera which might make a few of us cringe in recognition.
Another article that reflects on whether we need to change our methodologies "Do We Have to Talk the Talk?"
And to make sure I've included alternative perspectives, here's a post from the blog of proximal development titled "Digital Pioneers?" that challenges some of Marc Prensky's assertions.
Finally a couple of Interactive Whiteboard links for extra light reading. (Don't print them out if you don't want to labelled a digital immigrant!)
Interactive Whiteboards for Interactive Teaching and Learning
Interactive Teaching and Learning

Web Links No.2

Thanks to Leanne who attended an Interactive Whiteboard workshop at Highgate PS. Here are the links she brought back from that day. Some of the links relate to SmartBoards but could be still accessible as resources for ActivBoards.
Julie Thompson K-3 Smartboard Resources
Interactive Websites
St.Francis of Assisi Primary School Interactive Whiteboard Resources
Skool Interactive Learning
NAACE ICT Primary School Activities
Read On - Online Stories
Story Place - Children's Online Digital Library
ABC - Count Us In
ABC Education Resources
ICT Games
BBC Schools
Fun Brain
Primary Games
Interactive Literacy Resources
Education Action Zone
Discovery - Puzzlemaker
More to come on the professional reading side.

ActivBoard Weblinks No.1

Just starting to migrate my posts from the now superseded wiki site to here.

Here are a list of links to help get us started looking for resources.
ACTIV board Resources (UK & NZ) - Official Site
ACTIV board Resources (USA) - Official Site
Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics
Ideal Classrooms
MirandaNet - Promethean World
Visual Fractions
Mathematics Lessons That Are Fun, Fun, Fun!
The Learning Federation
Interactive Whiteboard Resources (UK)
Free Trial of Gizmos
Birmingham Grid for Learning - Whiteboard Resources

And here are sites that more about pedagogy and breaking news in the world of interactive whiteboards (not just Activ):
IWB Net (Australia)
Richardson Primary School (Where It All Began In Australia)

Please post to the blog if any of these are any good or alternately if they are of limited use.

Training Day Pics

Monday, September 19, 2005

Welcome to ActivBoarding

Hi team members - here is our new blog for charting our progress in the use of our new ActivBoards. Hopefully this is user friendly and an improvement on my original effort. Feel free to post about your experiences, queries, problems, frustrations, links, resources as you go and this will become a living, learning community that we can all utilise as a resource. Looking forward to seeing the first posts up later today.