Thursday, November 30, 2006

Do You Think This Is Fair?

Criteria for staff using IWB's at our school.

In moving forward, we need IWB users who are committed to the following:
• Attending all training opportunities offered by Commander and regular attendance at sessions offered by the Coordinator
• Be committed to moving their practice towards a learner centred approach that embeds the use of the IWB into students' learning. This includes building in opportunities for the students to regularly use the IWB for a wide range of purposes.
• Move their expertise and methodologies through Prensky's four stages of Technology Implementation, striving for "New Things In New Ways"
• Match the use of the IWB to other ICT implementation so that is used as a tool for explicit instruction (this is how, step by step) then as a tool to design, then as one of several tools to create and learn, then finally as a tool for presentation
• Use the IWB for "just-in-time" learning including the use of the internet to answer questions, model information literacy, and as fuel for discussion.
• Take part in professional sharing opportunities to showcase resources and good practices.

Does that sound fair enough?


At 9:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jo - it is amazing what can be conjured up over breakfast on a PDA just before the morning meeting I was due to present this criteria at!!


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