Thursday, March 02, 2006

Time For The Hard Questions

As the school looks towards the next purchase and implemenation of our IWB program, I am gathering our pioneers together for a reflection session to gauge the progress made thus far. I've prepped them with a few inquiry style questions to make sure we don't just skim the surface and talk technical stuff for the hour. The quesions posed are as follows:
1. Why do you feel that IWB's are an important step towards our school's vision of "up-to-date-technology"?
2. What's the best lesson or activity that you've managed using your IWB?
3. What have been the most significant hurdles towards getting the IWB integrated in your teaching & learning program?
4. Where do you see the IWB making the most significant, transformative differences in your future practice?
5. How ready are you for a mentoring role with the next wave of IWB users?
And to be fair, I will be submitting myself to the same blowtorch and bringing my own reflections along. See my blog for my efforts.


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